
Lava Lamp No More

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

So we had big plans to get all kinds of things done on our house in the first few months, but life has been crazy busy. We did a lot of traveling for Thanksgiving and will have gone out of town 3 times in the month of December, so not much progress has been made on the house front. Also when it's cold outside I just want to sit on the couch, drink hot chocolate, and cuddle with the Mr. Flufferson. Winter is not good for my motivation, apparently. Oh, and this is Arielle, not Andrew. He doesn't really cuddle with the cat. ;)

We did manage to get a few projects done in the month of November. Here are just a few of them. First, Andrew scraped the ceiling in the guest bathroom. Lucky for me we decided it was too small to have two people scraping at once! (No picture of that, because there's really nothing to see).

 He also built stairs for the garage and I painted them with a gray floor paint. Previously we had one very narrow stair that was a really awkward height. Andrew built stairs with the normal specifications so now I can walk into the house without tripping up the "stair"!

My favorite change is the new light in our hallway that's actually bright! The old light was just a little too "wannabe lava lamp" for me. Also, it was orange, hence orange light. Blech. But the new one is a cute Allen Roth fixture (technically an outdoor light, but it was the only one we liked). And it was on clearance for $29.99! Yay!

These are just minor changes, but hey, progress is progress. We've also been very distracted by a BIG project that we're planning for the new year that has recently moved up on the priority list. More details to come soon!


Jeremy December 29, 2011 at 3:36 AM  

The contributor clarification was good... I love the light change.

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