
New Washer & Dryer

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Our first project in our new house was our laundry room. We thought we were done with it only to discover that our dryer wasn't working. So we bought a new dryer on Craigslist for $50.

Unfortunately, the washer broke a few days later. The broken piece would have cost over $100...We flip-flopped back and forth between buying just a used washer or a used set. Somewhere along the way the idea of a new set was thrown in and was just as quickly discarded when we looked at some new sets and saw that the machines cost upwards of $600 each. Yikes...and those weren't even the nice ones. (Some front loading sets were around $1000 total, but for reasons I won't go into here I was not going to get a front loader.)

After more searching on Craigslist, we found an ad for a 4 month old Kenmore Elite washer (top loading!) and dryer set. They were listed at $1500, but Andrew got them down to $1100. This model currently runs about $1250 per machine, or $1000 on sale. We figured a 50% discount was cheap enough to make these a good deal. Also it comes with a 1 year parts and labor and 10 year power drive warranty. (Not sure what all that means, but apparently it's good) The sellers happened to be moving that night, so they delivered them in their U-haul. Don't they look so pretty in my laundry room?

New Washer and Dryer

I'm still figuring out how to use them. You don't set the water level cause it measures that on its own. No more guessing what size my load is. :) They both have over 10 normal settings plus "add-ons" like stain treat, extra rinse, save energy, wrinkle guard, static shield...They both have sanitize settings, and the dryer even came with a steam shelf! Another plus: the washer is huge! I put a load in the other day and it looked empty, so I picked up another load and tossed it in, too. It still wasn't full - 4.5 cubic feet and no agitator to get in the way. But don't worry, the bottom of the drum spins and "agitates" in a less destructive way. ;)

All that to say that I am very pleased with my new washer and dryer. :) Now hopefully these last us a long time! 


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