
2 Steps Forward, 1 Step Back

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

So remember how I said it has to get worse before it gets better, and that hopefully now we're in the "getting better" phase? Well, on one hand we are. Andrew finished mudding all the joints and corners earlier this week so now it's finally starting to look like a room again! 

But I also could see how some might think it looks worse. And I take the blame for that, cause I just love to make last minute decisions that create more work for us! 

We've been wrestling with the idea of moving the toilet a few inches further away from the side wall because before it was so awkwardly close. I knew this would be a lot of work (and cost more money) so I put off making the decision, but I also knew I'd regret it if we left it where it was. So Andrew cut a hole in the floor in order to move the plumbing. It's a bit ominous looking...

Tiling actually started on Tuesday as planned, and he finished the shower today. More on that later (pictures, too). That means he'll start on the floor tomorrow, which means we have to be done with this plumbing, have the hole covered back up with a new piece of plywood, and have the hardie backer down tonight. It's shaping up to be a long night. 

While Andrew was working on the plumbing for the toilet, I chipped away at the adhesive that got left behind along the entire doorway when we tore up the tile. It looks sort of soft, but it was actually really tough and almost impossible to get out, so we've left it there...until now. It took me over an hour with a screwdriver and hammer to get it out. 

Update: While writing this blog post we discovered one of the newly soldered pipes for the toilet is leaking. It's not a big deal, except we don't have the one piece we need to fix it. Basically this means we can't turn our water on until Andrew can get to Lowe's to buy a piece, but they're already closed (as are all hardware stores right now). Lowe's opens at 7am. Guess where we'll be at 7am?


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