
No turning back now...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

So on Friday night we decided to test one tile to see how hard it was to tear out. We tore up a tile and discovered that there was laminate underneath making it fairly easy to rip up. We practiced reverse gender roles and I worked on the demo while Andrew made dinner. :)

Here's a video of me ripping out tile (I'm not that handy so this feels like a big accomplishment for me!):

On Saturday we took out the vanity and the toilet. Typing it here makes it sound simple, but it most definitely was not. It involved calling the water company, getting into the crawl space (Andrew, not me), multiple trips to Lowe's, $50, and possibly some frustration. I won't go into the boring details, but we were trying to get the pipes to the sink not to leak when the valves were off so we could take the sink and vanity out. Also, toilets are disgusting. We didn't want the water to leak out when we pulled it up, so we bought a turkey baster at the dollar store and I literally spent about 20 minutes sucking water out of a toilet with a baster. Nasty.

The hardest part of it all though was the fiberglass shower insert. We spent several hours today on that alone. Andrew had to cut the drywall all around it because it was nailed into the studs. Then he pulled out all the nails, cut the pipes so it would slide out, and then pulled it out. It must have been installed before the walls around the bathroom were framed, because it was not going to fit through the door in one piece. Andrew broke it into smaller pieces, and we carried it out. Again, this sounds simple...but it wasn't. 

Here is the bathroom in it's current state. Chaucer wanted to explore. 

Finding #3: Nothing is as easy as you think should be. Unless you think it will be hard (like the tile), then it will be easy. :)

Finding #4: Fiberglass is itchy. 


Law February 5, 2012 at 11:15 PM  

This is a cute blog. I love DIY so this is awesome!

Jennifer Rector February 6, 2012 at 6:58 PM  

You two are so awesome! I'm really impressed, esp. with your tile-removing abilities, Arielle! :) Thanks for the updates, and I can't wait to see the future stages of this bathroom update---and esp. the final product!

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