After the house tour, we wanted to introduce you to the landscaping that was left by the last owners. In all fairness to them it did go untended for almost 9 months during the selling process. By the time we got to it there were several dead bushes and trees, but also a few gardens in not so typical places.
Front yard from the right side |
So nothing really of note here, you may see the raised flower bed that is right in front of the trailer our roofers used. Yes, there was a raised flower bed in the middle of the front yard. We have since removed the boards surrounding it, but have yet to completely level it with the yard.
Front yard from the left side |
On the left side of the house were two dead trees and a garden with kohlrabi and cabbage. While we're all for gardening vegetables, we prefer not to have them in our front yard! You can also see one of the dead, burnt bushes in front of the house.
Back yard from the left side |
We probably don't mention to guests enough that this chaos is going to change for sure. The previous owners added dirt to make a raised level in the back yard and put in a retaining wall...that doesn't retain much. Unfortunately they did not consult a professional as the grade is not away from the house, but towards it (meaning water runs towards our house instead of being directed around). So we'll need to fix that to avoid water going under our house long term. Besides that, it's kind of a jungle.
Back yard from the right side |
Here is the other side of the back yard. There is lots of clean up to do, and we still aren't sure how we are going to restructure it when we remove the retaining wall. Also, you can see the lovely color of red they painted the deck. Hopefully it doesn't stay red for too long!
You guys are awesome...
I'm enjoying keeping up with your house improvements!
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